Privacy, Confidentiality and Privilege: What Every VAWA-funded Entity Needs to Know, MSH-TA Webinar Series


Are verbal releases allowed? Do we need a release to share information between different units of the same organization? May a minor sign a release? Does state advocate privilege law apply in tribal court? Come learn the answers to these and other VAWA privacy-related questions. We will review the elements of VAWA confidentiality, discuss who they cover, untangle mandatory reporting laws, and review the newest federal privacy provisions that apply to OVW grantees. The webinar will include case scenarios, issue spotting, and reflective exercises. Bring your questions, concerns and confusion; let’s sort them out together

Privacy, Confidentiality and Privilege: What Every VAWA-funded Entity Needs to Know, MSH-TA Webinar Series2021-12-07T15:18:25+00:00

Sexual Assault Protection Orders: MSH-TA Webinar Series


A discussion of protection orders unique to the sexual assault survivor as well as protection order overlaps when a sexual assault survivor is also a survivor of domestic violence. We will delve into how a protection order addresses safety and batterer accountability, and include tips to drafting an enforceable protection order for sexual assault survivors.

Sexual Assault Protection Orders: MSH-TA Webinar Series2021-12-07T15:18:25+00:00

Crossing the Bridge: Tribal, State and Local Collaborations for Enforcement of Tribal Protection Orders, MSH-TA Webinar Series


This webinar will focus on drafting enforceable tribal protection orders including Full Faith and Credit and drafting remedies tailored to meet the needs of victims, as well as drafting enforceable protection orders that may provide the basis for criminal actions for violations of a protection order. The session concludes with a discussion on tribal protection order enforcement issues and includes some promising practices for state and local enforcement of tribal protection orders.

Crossing the Bridge: Tribal, State and Local Collaborations for Enforcement of Tribal Protection Orders, MSH-TA Webinar Series2021-12-07T15:18:25+00:00

Webinar: Coordinating Enforcement of Civil and Criminal Protection Orders Across Tribal, State and Federal Jurisdictions, SWCLAP


American Indian/Alaska Native victims of intimate partner violence often travel across state and tribal land lines seeking safety and services. No matter where a victim may travel (for work, school, healthcare or housing), you can help to ensure maximum enforcement of civil and criminal protection orders issued by state or tribal courts.

Webinar: Coordinating Enforcement of Civil and Criminal Protection Orders Across Tribal, State and Federal Jurisdictions, SWCLAP2021-12-07T15:18:25+00:00

Walking Alongside Two-spirit Survivors of Violence and Trafficking: A Personal Healing Journey, MSH-TA Webinar Series


Two-spirit youth are at high risk of violence and exploitation. They are also often overlooked and underserved in the systems meant to protect them. Through the lens of her personal story of being trafficked, Jessica Gidagaakoons Smith, a two-spirit survivor and legal scholar, will present her extensive research on the MMIWG2S epidemic and discuss ways that agencies can start implementing changes and educating advocates to better serve all survivors by being culturally supportive and inclusive.

Walking Alongside Two-spirit Survivors of Violence and Trafficking: A Personal Healing Journey, MSH-TA Webinar Series2021-12-07T15:18:25+00:00

Social Marketing 101 Webinar: Qizhjeh Heritage Institute


Introducing the concept of social and behavior change through the practice of social marketing. Presenters will explain how social marketing can be used as a method for combating violence against women and children in Native communities.

Social Marketing 101 Webinar: Qizhjeh Heritage Institute2021-12-07T15:18:25+00:00

Virtual Training – Housing and Advocate Response Teams (HART): Partnerships Beyond Basic Housing, Red Wind Consulting


Two top concerns for survivors of domestic violence are safe housing and economic resources to maintain safety. Advocates are consistently seeking safe housing options for survivors, and housing authorities are looking for ways to build in programming to enhance family stability. How can Tribal advocates and Tribal housing authorities build a collaborative team in order to address these top concerns? This 3-day virtual conference will provide guidance on how a housing multi- disciplinary team can work together, through crisis and long-term responses, to fill Tribal housing gaps.

Virtual Training – Housing and Advocate Response Teams (HART): Partnerships Beyond Basic Housing, Red Wind Consulting2021-12-07T15:18:25+00:00

Unique Legal Issues for Urban Victims Webinar: Red Wind Consulting, Inc.


Native Americans are a nearly invisible population in urban areas across the United States and they possess a unique legal status that many non-Natives have little to no understanding about. Sadly, this makes working with this population potentially quite harmful. This session will provide an overview of tribal jurisdiction and relevant laws that impact tribal life both on and off tribal lands. We will identity common legal issues that can impact the way a person would provide services and how to begin identifying when to seek additional expertise so that no harm is done to a victim by a service provider. Resources will be discussed that can be accessed to assist programs when working with unique legal issues.

Unique Legal Issues for Urban Victims Webinar: Red Wind Consulting, Inc.2021-12-07T15:18:25+00:00

Systems Advocacy Responses for Housing Q & A Session: Red Wind Consulting


A follow-up Q&A session for April 8th’s webinar on Systems Advocacy Responses for Housing: Advocates struggle with a lack of available and affordable housing in tribal communities, while survivors face barriers getting their housing applications approved. Federal funds have just been released to tribes and tribal housing authorities to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. These funds can be used for system-level changes, including tribal housing development and improvements. Covid-19 and "stay at home" orders have created additional dangers for victims and increased the need for safe housing to flee from violence. This webinar brainstormed ideas, and gave specific examples from other tribal communities. Also covered were approaches for educating and advocating for short and long-term system responses to meet the needs of survivors, as well as new resources, tools, and ongoing technical assistance available to make these system level changes realistically manageable.

Systems Advocacy Responses for Housing Q & A Session: Red Wind Consulting2021-12-07T15:18:25+00:00

Systems Advocacy Responses for Housing Webinar: Red Wind Consulting


Advocates struggle with a lack of available and affordable housing in tribal communities, while survivors face barriers getting their housing applications approved. Federal funds have just been released to tribes and tribal housing authorities to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. These funds can be used for system-level changes, including tribal housing development and improvements. We know that Covid-19 and "stay at home" orders have created additional dangers for victims and increased the need for safe housing to flee from violence. This webinar will help brainstorm ideas, and give specific examples from other tribal communities. Presenters will review approaches for educating and advocating for short and long-term system responses to meet the needs of survivors. You’ll hear about new resources, tools, and ongoing technical assistance available to make these system level changes realistically manageable.

Systems Advocacy Responses for Housing Webinar: Red Wind Consulting2021-12-07T15:18:26+00:00
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