11:00 am AKDT | 12:00 pm PDT |1:00 pm MDT | 2:00 pm CDT | 3:00 pm EDT. Systems Advocacy Responses for Housing. Red Wind Consulting. Most advocates struggle with a lack of available and affordable housing in tribal communities. Survivors face barriers getting their applications approved because of poor credit scores, eviction histories, income qualifications, and landlords who do not understand how the dynamics of Domestic Violence created those situations. Federal funds have just been released to tribes and tribal housing authorities to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. These funds can be used for system-level changes, including tribal housing development and improvements. We know that Covid-19 has created additional danger for victims who have been under “Stay At Home” orders, and increased the need for safe housing to flee from violence. This webinar will help you brainstorm ideas, and give specific examples from other tribal communities. Presenters will review approaches for educating and advocating for short- and long-term system responses to meet the needs of survivors. You’ll hear about new resources, tools, and ongoing technical assistance available to make these system level changes realistically manageable.

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