Sex Trafficking in Indian Country Advocacy Curriculum Webinar – Unit 4, Part 2

Offered by TLPI and MIWSAC, this is the final webinar in the six-part series presenting Sex Trafficking in Indian Country: Advocacy Curriculum. The Curriculum is designed to introduce information on sex trafficking of Native people, covering topics such as the definition of sex trafficking, red flags, trafficker tactics, screening for sex trafficking, and advocacy roles and responsibilities.

OVW Tribal Affairs Division New Grantee Orientation

(Start/end times shown above are Eastern Time.) The FY 2020 New Grantee Orientation (NGO) offered by OVW Tribal Affairs Division is a required event for FY 2020 Tribal Governments Program, Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program, Tribal Coalitions Program, Tribal Jurisdiction Program, Tribal SAUSA Initiative, and COVID-19 Special Initiative grantees to attend. The orientation will provide FY 2020 Tribal Programs grantees with critical information necessary to successfully implement their new grant project including providing training on federal programmatic and financial requirements and technical assistance resources. This year, NGO will be conducted in a virtual environment.

Webinar: Strong Hearts Responding, Honoring and Collaborating with American Indian Communities, International Association of Forensic Nurses.

How American Indian historical experiences persist to contribute to intergenerational trauma and the continuous effects on community today.  Including: health ramifications to historical trauma and racism; why relationships fail when working with ‘outside’ victim service providers who don’t see the need for culturally specific victim advocacy; how historical mistreatment prevent many community members to not seek services and the impact of the healing process for survivors and the entire community. In this webinar we will discuss ways that Non-Native communities and Non-Tribal victim service providers can develop positive cultural collaborative relationships that are grounded in compassion, knowledge and confidentiality.

Webinar: America’s History and Legacy of Violence, National Indian Country Clearinghouse on Sexual Assault

This training webinar will examine the history of genocide, colonization, assimilation, and the anti-violence movement. Viewers will learn how gender-based and race-based oppression and violence intersect leading to higher rates of victimization and lethality. The take-away: a holistic view of indigenous culture and the impact these issues have on every aspect of their life and community for generations.

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