Sex Trafficking in Indian Country and Alaska Webinar, Part 2: IAFN

North Campus London, United Kingdom

Nulla facilisi. Nullam suscipit, risus et ullamcorper posuere, eros tellus blandit mauris, id efficitur ligula tellus sit amet ex. Sed suscipit rutrum faucibus. Proin ultricies sodales lacinia. Duis vestibulum porta orci, in pulvinar odio laoreet at. Donec accumsan rutrum metus. Quisque at massa quis nulla laoreet vulputate in ullamcorper lectus. Suspendisse nec nibh dictum, porta dolor nec, cursus lectus. Pellentesque in convallis odio. Ut tincidunt magna ut sem accumsan feugiat at eu metus.


Unlearning What We Were Told: Supporting LGBTQ2S Survivors of Sexual Assault, IAFN

Virtual Google Meet

Sexual assault survivors who are LGBTQ2S often have specific needs and face unique barriers to seeking services and support. In this webinar, you will learn how to make your agency welcoming and inclusive, how to proactively address common concerns of LGBTQ2S survivors, and how to ensure that LGBTQ2S survivors see your agency as an affirming resource.

Advocating for Children and Youth Experiencing Trauma: Red Wind Consulting

Virtual Google Meet

Tribal communities have statistically high rates of children and youth affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, teen dating and sex trafficking. This webinar will discuss how children experience trauma, how their trauma symptoms can look different, and what is typically expected when providing advocacy for children and youth. Each child’s reactions to trauma will be different, but almost all children who experience trauma will have emotional or behavioral changes for some time. Reactions can become problematic when they become severe and ongoing. This webinar will examine trauma and how to provide services and supports that lessen the trauma impact related to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, teen dating and sex trafficking.

Engaging With Children Who Have Been Sexually Abused in the AN/AI Population: IAFN

Virtual Google Meet

This webinar features an overview of facts and statistics regarding children/youth who may have experienced sexual abuse: how the impact of the trauma can follow them through life, while discussing the efforts to help heal, lessening the impacts of the trauma; as well as strengthening their natural resiliency to help the child/youth move from victimization to survivor with a focus on Alaska Native/American Indian children/youth population.

Creating and Sustaining TCU Campus Led Coordinated Community Response Teams: Red Wind Consulting

Virtual Google Meet

A campus response to sexual assault can include many campus staff working in different departments. Campus Security, Title IX investigators, Counselors, Cultural Centers, and faculty could be responding to students who have experienced sexual assault. It is critical that there is a clear and consistent response to ensure that students receive the support and services they need. In the first webinar in this series, presenters will define what a campus-led coordinated response team (CCR) is, who the key players are in a campus CCR, and how to develop plans, visions, protocols. The second part of this series will be a hands-on approach, including steps to developing a coordinated community response team and how to sustain one through time.

Using Experts for Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Violence Cases: IAFN

Virtual Google Meet

Sexual violence cases often present evidentiary questions and issues that are not in easily understood without the assistance of someone with specialized knowledge, training, and/or experience. This can involve challenges to understanding the presence or absence of medical evidence, the impact of toxicology on the human body, as well as the effects of trauma and the range of individual responses to sexual violence. Experienced professionals can provide judges and juries with the necessary context to ensure that they are making informed decisions based on the evidence and prevent misconceptions from negatively impacting the outcome of a case. The presenter will summarize the law related to the introduction of expert testimony and highlight the importance of deciding if and when to introduce expert testimony in a case.

Sacred Hoop Coalition 8th Annual DV Symposium: Infusing Culture into Advocacy

Grand Casino Hinckley 777 Lady Luck Drive, Hinckley, MN, United States

Please join the Sacred Hoop Coalition for the 8th Annual Domestic Violence Symposium: Infusing Culture into Advocacy. The Symposium is an opportunity for us to come together to discuss emerging trends and issues in the work to end violence against Native women and strategies to make our communities safe and programs accessible to Native survivors of domestic/intimate partner violence. The theme of this year’s symposium is Infusing Culture into Advocacy: using culture in our advocacy response, including healing through culture, and making cultural resources available to those we serve.

DV/SV/Advocacy 101 Membership Training

Virtual Google Meet

Do you have new advocates in your program? Do you have seasoned advocates who may need a refresher? Please join Mending the Sacred Hoop for a one-day training on Domestic Violence 101, Sexual Violence 101, and Advocacy 101.

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