Unlearning What We Were Told: Supporting LGBTQ2S Survivors of Sexual Assault, IAFN

North Campus London, United Kingdom

Nulla facilisi. Nullam suscipit, risus et ullamcorper posuere, eros tellus blandit mauris, id efficitur ligula tellus sit amet ex. Sed suscipit rutrum faucibus. Proin ultricies sodales lacinia. Duis vestibulum porta orci, in pulvinar odio laoreet at. Donec accumsan rutrum metus. Quisque at massa quis nulla laoreet vulputate in ullamcorper lectus. Suspendisse nec nibh dictum, porta dolor nec, cursus lectus. Pellentesque in convallis odio. Ut tincidunt magna ut sem accumsan feugiat at eu metus.


Assessment Tools Webinar, Part 1: Native Alliance Against Violence

North Campus London, United Kingdom

Nulla facilisi. Nullam suscipit, risus et ullamcorper posuere, eros tellus blandit mauris, id efficitur ligula tellus sit amet ex. Sed suscipit rutrum faucibus. Proin ultricies sodales lacinia. Duis vestibulum porta orci, in pulvinar odio laoreet at. Donec accumsan rutrum metus. Quisque at massa quis nulla laoreet vulputate in ullamcorper lectus. Suspendisse nec nibh dictum, porta dolor nec, cursus lectus. Pellentesque in convallis odio. Ut tincidunt magna ut sem accumsan feugiat at eu metus.


Sexual Assault on Tribal College Campuses Webinar: Red Wind Consulting

(11:00-12:30 pm AK Time, 12:00-1:30pm PST, 1:00-2:30pm MST, 3:00-4:30pm EST) Presented by Victoria Ybanez and Raquel DeHerrera Our Native communities experience sexual violence at higher rates than non-Native communities and our Tribal college campuses are not immune to the impacts of sexual assault. Understanding the dynamics of sexual assault is important to know when creating a culturally holistic sexual assault response on your campus. This webinar will define what sexual assault is and how it impacts students, faculty and staff on Tribal college campuses. It will also point out possible barriers to responding to sexual assault on Tribal college campuses and [...]

Ways to Promote Children’s Resilience to the Covid-19 Pandemic Webinar: Red Wind Consulting

The COVID-19 pandemic and all of its stressors can greatly undermine the development and well-being of children. Research has shown that many protective factors can offer a buffer from harm and increase resilience in children. We will explore these protective factors and how we as a community can work together to ensure the ongoing well-being of our children.

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