Sacred Hoop Coalition 8th Annual DV Symposium: Infusing Culture into Advocacy

Grand Casino Hinckley 777 Lady Luck Drive, Hinckley, MN, United States

Please join the Sacred Hoop Coalition for the 8th Annual Domestic Violence Symposium: Infusing Culture into Advocacy. The Symposium is an opportunity for us to come together to discuss emerging trends and issues in the work to end violence against Native women and strategies to make our communities safe and programs accessible to Native survivors of domestic/intimate partner violence. The theme of this year’s symposium is Infusing Culture into Advocacy: using culture in our advocacy response, including healing through culture, and making cultural resources available to those we serve.

DV/SV/Advocacy 101 Membership Training

Virtual Google Meet

Do you have new advocates in your program? Do you have seasoned advocates who may need a refresher? Please join Mending the Sacred Hoop for a one-day training on Domestic Violence 101, Sexual Violence 101, and Advocacy 101.

Join the Conversation: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives

Virtual Google Meet

This webinar will be a discussion-based training on the intersections of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Relatives and the Intersections of Violence beyond gender, age, ability, and sexuality. Please join us to weave advocacy into response of MMIR in Tribal communities.

Webinar: Creating Talking Sticks with Survivors

Virtual Google Meet

Lisa Marie Iyotte will share with participants how making and sharing talking sticks can help with a survivor’s healing journey. Lisa will talk about what you can do to make a talking stick. We encourage you to do this on your own at your own pace after this session or with others who support you.

Action Day 2025: Victim Services Are Public Safety (Virtual and In-Person)

City Hall Rotunda and virtually on Facebook

The Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition, Violence Free Minnesota, Mending the Sacred Hoop, Minnesota Alliance on Crime, and Minnesota Children’s Alliance are coming together for a joint Action Day 2025: Victim Services Are Public Safety at the Capitol on Monday, February 10, at 2:00! There will be an in-person rally at the Capitol Rotunda 2:00-3:00 p.m. that will also be livestreamed. Please participate in the way that works best for you, whether in-person and virtually. Capitol Information Capitol Complex Map Senate Building Map State Office Building Map State Capitol Building Map Access CDI and ASL interpreters will be available. Seating will also be available. Please let [...]

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