Office on Violence Against Women Announces Awards

December 8, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office on Violence Against Women Announces Awards to 11 Indian Tribal Governments to Exercise Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction The U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) today announced awards to 11 Indian Tribal governments to support them in exercising special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction (SDVCJ). The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA 2013) recognized the authority of tribes to exercise SDVCJ over certain defendants, regardless of their Indian or non-Indian status, who commit crimes of domestic violence or dating violence or violate certain protection orders in Indian country. [...]

Office on Violence Against Women Announces Awards2022-02-15T14:53:15+00:00

Interior Secretary moves to ban the word ‘squaw’

November 19, 2021 Interior Secretary Deb Haaland moves to ban the word ‘squaw’ from federal lands Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland formally declared “squaw” to be a derogatory term Friday and ordered a task force to find replacement names for valleys, lakes, creeks and other sites on federal lands that use the word. The order, which takes effect immediately, stands to affect more than 650 place names that use the term, according to figures from the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. “Racist terms have no place in our vernacular or on our federal lands. Our nation’s lands and waters [...]

Interior Secretary moves to ban the word ‘squaw’2022-02-15T14:53:54+00:00

Justice Department to Help Crime Victims in Indian Country

November 15, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Justice Department Awards Nearly $104 Million to Help Crime Victims in Indian Country The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), a component of the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP), has awarded nearly $104 million to serve victims in tribal communities, of which nearly $101 million was awarded through the Crime Victims Fund Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside. More than 140 awards were made through the Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside formula program to fund culturally-appropriate victim services to meet the needs of Tribal communities. “American Indian and Alaska Native crime victims deserve the [...]

Justice Department to Help Crime Victims in Indian Country2022-02-15T14:54:48+00:00

Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans

November 15, 2021 President Biden Signs Executive Order on Improving Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans and Addressing the Crisis of Missing or Murdered Indigenous People “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby order as follows: Section 1. Policy. The safety and well-being of all Native Americans is a top priority for my Administration. My Administration will work hand in hand with Tribal Nations and Tribal partners to build safe and healthy Tribal communities and to support comprehensive law enforcement, prevention, intervention, and [...]

Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans2022-02-15T14:55:51+00:00

Attorney General Delivers Remarks at Tribal Nations Summit

November 15, 2021 Washington, DC Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks at the 2021 White House Tribal Nations Summit: “Good afternoon. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to join the first Tribal Nations Summit in five years. The Justice Department shares the President’s commitment, expressed in the Executive Order he signed today, to work in partnership with Tribal nations to support comprehensive law enforcement, prevention, intervention and support services. We are committed to working together to make Tribal communities safer. We are committed to honoring and strengthening our nation-to-nation relationship. And we are committed to protecting the civil rights of [...]

Attorney General Delivers Remarks at Tribal Nations Summit2022-02-15T14:56:22+00:00

Systems Advocacy: Creating Safe, Respectful & Effective Responses Part 3

  “I was so tired I could hardly think. Petrified about going to court.  The prosecutor was an angel. Kind, patient. He actually said he was sorry I got beaten up, I didn’t deserve it – no matter what. Then he said he would do the prosecution without me if I wanted. The cops did a great job investigating, documenting, and the doctor did a detailed report, so it was possible for him to go ahead without me!” “I was a new advocate in a new domestic violence program on a reservation of about 5,500 people. Went to the police station [...]

Systems Advocacy: Creating Safe, Respectful & Effective Responses Part 32022-02-15T15:11:46+00:00

Systems Advocacy: Creating Safe, Respectful & Effective Responses Part 2

  “It was about six months after my children and I finally got a house in tribal housing. I was struggling to get to work, take care of the kids and keep the car working. I needed my ex to watch the children a couple days a week so I could work. I trusted him to take good care of them for that amount of time. One day I drove to town, about 18 miles away, to get my paperwork up-dated for food stamps. I handed my papers to the worker. She gave me a mean look, grabbing the papers from [...]

Systems Advocacy: Creating Safe, Respectful & Effective Responses Part 22022-02-15T15:10:48+00:00

Systems Advocacy: Creating Safe, Respectful & Effective Responses

  “I spent 4 days in jail for an unpaid traffic ticket. My boyfriend beat me up and I called the cops. He was gone by the time they got to my house. But they ran my name and arrested me…” “It was such a struggle - I needed to get a protection order against my husband. Took time off from work, got a ride from a friend…embarrassing, depressing. I wanted me and my kids to be safe, sleep good at night... I asked the clerk of courts for the protection order form. The clerk looked exasperated, didn’t even say hello. [...]

Systems Advocacy: Creating Safe, Respectful & Effective Responses2022-02-15T15:08:19+00:00

COVID19: Coping with Anxiety

  As we continue journeying through the uncharted waters of the coronavirus pandemic, there are likely many “shoulds” and “coulds” that come into our minds in any given moment. All too often, those “shoulds” encourage us to reach outside of ourselves and find solutions to ease the discomfort. Like many things, reaching outside of ourselves is not our natural response, but rather a learned, conditioned response. We have been conditioned to do this. We have been conditioned to believe that if something feels wrong, there is something out there that will fix it. So we reach. We reach for the thing [...]

COVID19: Coping with Anxiety2022-02-15T15:04:34+00:00

Domestic Violence: Collusion & Coercion

"Robert and I have known each other since grade school; we've been together for about four years and have two children - Amy is 2 years old and Jason is 3 months. We’ve had arguments and fights and separated a couple of times. Robert’s family has interfered from time to time, always taking his side. He’s hit me and pushed me and caused me to fall and break an arm. His family said I deserved it; I should have left him alone and stopped b___ing at him all the time. I’ve had two Orders of Protection against him, but I’ve dropped [...]

Domestic Violence: Collusion & Coercion2021-12-07T15:17:52+00:00
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