8:00 am AKDT | 9:00 am PDT |10:00 am MDT | 11:00 a m CDT | 12:00 pm EDT. Coordinating Enforcement of Civil and Criminal Protection Orders Across Tribal, State and Federal Jurisdictions. Presented by Hallie Bongar White, Executive Director, SWCLAP, and Dr. James Diamond, Dean of Academic Affairs, National Tribal Trial College. American Indian/Alaska Native victims of intimate partner violence often travel across state and tribal land lines seeking safety and services. No matter where a victim may travel (for work, school, healthcare or housing), you can help to ensure maximum enforcement of civil and criminal protection orders issued by state or tribal courts. One hour of Free Continuing Legal Education Units is available upon request. This webinar is for those serving American Indian/Alaska Native survivors of domestic and sexual violence including tribal law enforcement, VPSOs, VPOs, victim advocates, prosecutors, National Tribal Trial College alumni and SAFESTARs.
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