Not Invisible Act Commission Public Hearing: Anchorage, Alaska on April 25


On April 25, the Not Invisible Act Commission will convene a public hearing in Anchorage, Alaska. This is part of the continued work by the members of the Commission, appointed by the Departments of the Interior and Justice, to develop recommendations to guide Congress and federal agencies on how to best combat the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous peoples and human trafficking, as required under the Not Invisible Act. The Not Invisible Act, which was led by then-Rep. Haaland and passed into law in October 2020, established the Commission as a cross jurisdictional advisory committee composed of both federal and non-federal members including law [...]

Not Invisible Act Commission Public Hearing: Anchorage, Alaska on April 252023-08-14T17:15:47+00:00

DOJ Funding Opportunities


The Department of Justice's (DOJ) Fiscal Year 2023 DOJ Grants Program Plan summarizes the funding opportunities each DOJ grant making component is expecting to release or has released in a particular fiscal year. Solicitations are generally released 45-60 days before their submission deadline. Current open opportunities can be found on: Office of Justice Programs Current Funding Opportunities Office on Violence Against Women Open Solicitations Office on Community Oriented Policing Services Grants All open funding opportunities can also be found on To learn more about where to find DOJ funding opportunities and how to apply, visit the JustGrants Resources website's Application [...]

DOJ Funding Opportunities2023-06-19T16:58:43+00:00

FY 2023 Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program (AWA) Funding Opportunity


Final Deadline Notice Applications for the FY 2023 Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program are due in JustGrants by April 19 by 5 p.m. Eastern time. The SMART Office encourages applicants to submit their application information 72 hours in advance of deadlines in case of technical difficulties. For assistance, contact the SMART Office at 202-514-4689 or Visit SMART’s funding page for general information on applying for SMART awards. Eligibility: View and download the solicitation for more information. Resources The SMART Office has released an application guidance webinar with more information on this funding opportunity. View the webinar. Subscribe to email updates from the SMART [...]

FY 2023 Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program (AWA) Funding Opportunity2023-11-27T21:42:05+00:00

President Biden’s proclamation for National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month


Freedom from sexual assault is a basic human right. Yet tens of millions of Americans –- our family and friends, colleagues, neighbors, and classmates –- carry the trauma of sexual assault with them. National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month is an important time to speak out, stand with courageous survivors, and finally change the culture that has allowed sexual violence to exist for far too long. Sexual violence affects all people, regardless of geography, race, age, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or economic background. One in four women and 1 in 26 men have survived a rape or [...]

President Biden’s proclamation for National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month2023-11-27T21:42:44+00:00

NOW OPEN: OVW’s FY 2023 Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program Solicitation


The Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program (TSASP) supports efforts to create, maintain, and expand sustainable sexual assault services provided by Tribes, tribal organizations, and nonprofit tribal organizations within Indian country and Alaska Native villages. TSASP supports projects that provide intervention, advocacy, accompaniment (e.g., accompanying victims to court, medical facilities, or police departments), support services, and related assistance for adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault, non-offending family and household members of victims, and those collaterally affected by the sexual assault. Eligible applicants include federally recognized Native American tribal governments, tribal consortiums, tribal organizations, and nonprofit tribal organizations. New This Year The Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization [...]

NOW OPEN: OVW’s FY 2023 Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program Solicitation2023-08-14T17:21:22+00:00

NOW OPEN: OVW’s FY 2023 Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking Program Solicitation


The Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program (Rural Program) supports efforts to enhance the safety of rural victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and supports projects uniquely designed to address and prevent these crimes in rural areas. Eligible applicants include states, units of local government, Indian tribal governments, tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations, and private institutions of higher education. New This Year The Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022 added a new Rural Program purpose area on sexual assault forensic medical examination programs and added improving access to quality sexual assault examinations by trained health [...]

NOW OPEN: OVW’s FY 2023 Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking Program Solicitation2023-03-15T18:38:02+00:00

NOW OPEN: OVW’s FY 2023 Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services


The Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program (CSSP) supports the maintenance and replication of existing successful community-based programs providing culturally specific services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, as well as the development of innovative culturally specific strategies to enhance access to services and resources for victims who face obstacles to accessing more traditional programs. Eligible applicants include Indian tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations, private nonprofit/tribal organizations for which the primary purpose of the organization is to provide culturally specific services to survivors who are American Indian [...]

NOW OPEN: OVW’s FY 2023 Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services2023-03-15T18:43:18+00:00

NOW OPEN: OVW’s FY 2023 Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims


The Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Program (Transitional Housing Program) supports programs that provide six to 24 months of transitional housing with support services for victims who are homeless or in need of transitional housing or other housing assistance, as a result of a situation of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking; and for whom emergency shelter services or other crisis intervention services are unavailable or insufficient. Eligible applicants include states, units of local government, Indian tribal governments, tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations, domestic violence or sexual assault coalitions, victim [...]

NOW OPEN: OVW’s FY 2023 Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims2023-03-15T18:49:03+00:00

Now Open: OVW FY 2023 Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program Solicitation


The Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program (referred to as the Tribal Governments Program) assists tribal governments and authorized designees of tribal governments to respond to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking in their communities. Eligible applicants include federally-recognized Native American tribal governments, authorized designees of Indian Tribal Governments, and Tribal Consortiums in the United States or U.S. territories. For more information, see the Eligibility Information section of the solicitation. New This Year Priority Area: In FY 2023, applications proposing activities in the following area will be given special consideration: Improve outreach, services, civil and criminal justice [...]

Now Open: OVW FY 2023 Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program Solicitation2023-02-27T20:03:23+00:00

Justice Department Commemorates National Stalking Awareness Month


The Justice Department joins survivors, victim services providers, justice professionals and others in recognizing the month of January as National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM). According to the CDC, an estimated one in three women and one in six men experience stalking in their lifetimes. This NSAM, the department reaffirms its commitment to survivors by honoring and providing resources to those leading efforts in supporting survivors and preventing stalking crimes. Read more...

Justice Department Commemorates National Stalking Awareness Month2023-08-15T17:48:26+00:00
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